You want to succeed in Diablo3 and make huge damage?

D3 DPSTool gives you a tremendous assistance for your character development concerning damage-questions. Furthermore its made for the use in the auctionhouse. It displays the effect an item will have on your overall-DPS, Attacks/ s , Minimum Hit, etc. before buying that item.

In the DPS-Calculator you can see how your DPS, Attacks/s, Minimum Hit, etc. change, when you vary damage-relevant attributes.

The Ratio calculator gives you the possibility to compare items with different stats, e.g. Attackspeed vs. Critical Hitchance.

Ever bought an item in the auctionhouse which wasn`t that good as expected? Don´t do that in future!
The Equip and Weapon calculators make a virtual change of items to show your overall-DPS, Attacks/s, Min. Hit etc. before buying and equipping things.

All abbreviations are explained.


The use of two onehand weapons is not supported.

Skills of companions are not supported.

Because of rounding errors there can be small differences between the values shown in Diablo3 and those shown in D3 DPSTool.